@inproceedings{rio2019plataforma, author = {Larissa Del Rio and Andre Eichner and Tiago Antônio Rizzetti}, title = {{Plataforma e-consumo: Monitoramento Inteligente do Consumo de Energia Elétrica em Residências}}, booktitle = {17a Escola Regional de Redes de Computadores}, address = {Alegrete-RS, Brasil}, days = {16-19}, month = {sep}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In Brazil, according to the National Energy Balance for the year of 2016, the residential sector consumes more energy than the service sector. From this, this work has as its objective the development of a platform capable of monitoring consumption of electricity from a residence. The platform will be able to gauge the individual consumption of household equipment with the use of a measuring device and a where the user will be able to view the consumption of each equipment and have an estimate of the amount to be paid. Tests were performed in a real scenario, with the measurement of electricity consumption in three different equipment. With the obtained results it was possible to observe the efficiency of the proposed platform, offering the user transparency with its expenses related to the electric energy.}, keywords = {Redes de sensores; Redes sem fio; Segurança em redes}, url = {http://errc.sbc.org.br/2019/papers/rio2019plataforma.pdf}, }